Tag: Tech Tool
How do I add a custom checklist to the tech tool?
Go to More > Settings > Preferences > Report Card If a custom checklist is not defined, the tech service tool will show a basic lists of pool service activities. To add your own checklist, Click the Add button to get started. Section Name: Checklist items can be grouped by category. Examples would be: Label:…
How do I set a custom name for a pool?
On the customer detail screen, you can give each pool or spa its own name. This name will appear on the mobile tech tool to help service techs know which pool to service.
How do service techs access the App?
The system will send a text message to the service tech’s phone. From there, they can add the app to their home screen on their phone for quick access. Go to Techs and select an option to send the service tech link. They will receive a text message on their device.